I've switched my classes around!
I attended the PSYC175: Intro to Clinical class last Thursday and did not find it to my liking; the material sounded interesting but the course required a higher workload than I was able to contribute to a course that was not required to take (plus there was a long list of students waiting to get in - hopefully I made one of them happy by giving up my spot!).
I spent a bit of time looking through the Spring 2011 Course Listings and found a Jewish Studies course with open space: JS118: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible II. This course is not required for my concentration as I've already fulfilled the credit that this would count for. However, it is being taught by one of my favorite professors at Clark, Everett Fox. He is incredibly articulate and intelligent, and I am pleased to be able to take another of his courses. While looking for classes I always first look at the subject matter and determine course selection based on this. However, it is always great to find a professor that teaches in a style that is particularly pleasing to the individual. I feel like this is an acceptable way to choose courses, as well.
My other courses have been interesting so far! I have been completely absorbed by my first PSYC109 (Qualitative Methods in Psychology) project; we are encouraged to go into our chosen observation field (an area on campus previously designated as such) twice a week, observing the "natives" and taking notes on their interactions/activities. The project has been set up so that there are very few directions, thus very few limitations. I do not feel strongly about this lack of direction yet, though I know that some students in the class are infatuated with the idea whereas others are upset by the lack of structure. I do wonder how the professor will be able to grade in a standard way if everyone is able to go about their project in a unique manner.
There is not much to report yet from my other classes - work has been picking up but most classes are still in the introductory/early phases of learning material. I am excited to dig deeper into the topics and hopefully learn some interesting things about the psychology of human sexuality, astronomy, and the Hebrew bible.
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